JavaScript Development Space

ix [eslint] Delete CR [prettier/prettier] Error

Solve [eslint] Delete 'cr' [prettier/prettier]

The [eslint] Delete CR error typically occurs when there are carriage return (CR) characters at the end of lines in your code. It is often encountered when you're working in a cross-platform development environment, and line endings in your code files are not consistent. To resolve this error, you can follow these steps:

1. Set Prettier Configuration:


1 // .prettierrc
2 {
3 "endOfLine": "auto"
4 }


1 // .eslintrc.js
2 module.exports = {
3 rules: {
4 'prettier/prettier': [
5 'error',
6 {
7 endOfLine: 'auto',
8 },
9 ],
10 },
11 };

This configuration will make Prettier use the specified line ending format when formatting your code.

2. Configure Your Editor to Use Consistent Line Endings:

To prevent this error from occurring in the first place, configure your code editor or IDE to use consistent line endings. You typically have two options:

  1. Unix Line Endings (LF): Common on Linux and macOS.
  2. Windows Line Endings (CRLF): Common on Windows.

Choose one format and configure your editor accordingly. In Visual Studio Code, for example, you can select the line ending type at the bottom right of the editor window.

3. Convert Line Endings:

If you are working on a codebase that has inconsistent line endings, you can use tools to automatically convert line endings to the preferred format.

  1. dos2unix (Linux/macOS): You can use the dos2unix command to convert Windows line endings to Unix line endings.
dos2unix file.js
  1. unix2dos (Linux/macOS): To convert Unix line endings to Windows line endings, you can use the unix2dos command.
unix2dos file.js
  1. Editor Extensions: Some code editors, like Visual Studio Code, have extensions that can help you convert line endings in your files. For example, the "End of Line" extension can be used for this purpose.

4. Editor and Version Control Configuration:

Ensure that your code editor and version control system (e.g., Git) are configured to use the same line ending format for all files. This is important for maintaining consistency within your project. You can specify line endings in your .gitattributes file for Git, which helps enforce consistent line endings for all contributors.

Example .gitattributes:

Set all files to use LF (Unix) line endings

* text=auto eol=lf

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the "[eslint] Delete CR [prettier/prettier]" error and ensure that your code maintains consistent line endings, making it more readable and easier to collaborate on in cross-platform development environments.

Error: Delete CR [prettier/prettier]
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