JavaScript Development Space

Setting Up Node.js with Parcel and TypeScript

How to Set Up a Node.js Project with Parcel and TypeScript

If you're looking to streamline your Node.js development process, Parcel and TypeScript are a great combination to ensure fast bundling and strong type-checking. This guide will walk you through setting up a Node.js project using Parcel as the bundler and TypeScript for type safety.

Step 1: Initialize Your Node.js Project

Start by creating a new directory for your project.

mkdir parsel-ts && cd parsel-ts

Initialize npm:

Run the following command to initialize a new Node.js project:

npm init -y

This will create a package.json file in your project directory.

Step 2: Install Parcel Bundler

Parcel is an easy-to-use bundler that requires minimal configuration.

Install Parcel:

To install Parcel as a development dependency, run:

npm install -D parcel parcel-bundler

Step 3: Set Up TypeScript

TypeScript adds static types to JavaScript, helping you catch errors early in development.

1. Install TypeScript and Node.js Type Definitions:

Run the following command to install TypeScript along with the Node.js type definitions:

npm install typescript @types/node --save-dev

2. Initialize TypeScript Configuration:

Create a tsconfig.json file by running:

npx tsc --init

3. Configure tsconfig.json:

Modify your tsconfig.json to include the following settings:

1 {
2 "compilerOptions": {
3 "target": "es6",
4 "module": "commonjs",
5 "strict": true,
6 "esModuleInterop": true
7 },
8 "include": ["src/**/*"]
9 }

Step 4: Create the Source Files

1. Create a src Directory:

Inside your project root, create a src folder where your TypeScript files will reside:

mkdir src

2. Add Your First TypeScript File:

Inside the src directory, create an index.ts file with some starter code:

Step 5: Configure Parcel for TypeScript

Parcel works out-of-the-box with TypeScript, but you need to define an entry point in your package.json.

1. Add Scripts to package.json:

Update the package.json file to include the following script:

1 "scripts": {
2 "dev": "parcel src/index.html",
3 "build": "parcel build src/index.html"
4 }

If you're not using an HTML file, use parcel src/index.ts as the entry point.

Step 6: Run the Development Server

Start the Development Server:

Run Parcel’s development server with hot-reloading enabled:

npm run dev

Build for Production:

When you’re ready to bundle your code for production, run:

npm run build


With Parcel and TypeScript set up, your Node.js project is ready for development. Parcel’s minimal configuration and TypeScript's type safety will make your development process faster and more efficient.

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