JavaScript Development Space

Fixing DeprecationWarning: Punycode Module Deprecated

How to fix "DeprecationWarning: The punycode module is deprecated"?

The DeprecationWarning: The punycode module is deprecated occurs because the punycode module was deprecated in Node.js since version 7.0.0 and later removed in version 15.0.0. If your code or a dependency is still using it, here's how to fix the issue:

1. Update Your Dependencies

  • The most likely cause is a dependency in your project is using the deprecated punycode module.
  • Run the following command to update all your dependencies:
    1 npm update
  • After updating, reinstall your packages:
    1 rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json
    2 npm install
  • Check if the warning persists.

2. Use the punycode Package from npm

  • If you or a dependency explicitly rely on the punycode module, install the standalone package from npm:
    1 npm install punycode
  • Replace usage of the deprecated punycode module in your code with the npm version:
    1 // Old:
    2 const punycode = require('punycode');
    4 // New:
    5 const punycode = require('punycode/');

3. Patch Dependencies Using patch-package

  • If a dependency still uses punycode and hasn’t updated, you can patch it until an official fix is released.
  • Install patch-package:
    1 npm install patch-package postinstall-postinstall
  • Locate the problematic code in the dependency within node_modules and replace require('punycode') with require('punycode/').
  • Create a patch:
    1 npx patch-package <package-name>
  • Add the following to your package.json to apply the patch on install:
    1 "scripts": {
    2 "postinstall": "patch-package"
    3 }

4. Check Node.js Version Compatibility

  • If you’re running an outdated version of Node.js, update to a version that no longer uses the punycode module internally (e.g., Node.js 16 or later).

To update Node.js:

  • Use nvm (Node Version Manager):
    1 nvm install --lts
    2 nvm use --lts

5. Find and Fix the Source

  • Search your project for require('punycode'):
    1 grep -r "punycode" .
  • Replace it with:
    1 const punycode = require('punycode/');

6. File an Issue with the Dependency Maintainers

If the problem lies in a third-party package, report the issue to the maintainers to ensure they replace require('punycode') with the npm module.

7. Suppress Warnings (Temporary Workaround)

If you’re unable to fix the issue immediately, suppress the warning as a temporary solution:

1 process.removeAllListeners('warning');
2 process.on('warning', (e) => {
3 if ( !== 'DeprecationWarning' || !e.message.includes('punycode')) {
4 console.warn(e);
5 }
6 });


  • Preferred Solution: Update dependencies or your Node.js version.
  • Short-term Fix: Install the punycode package from npm.
  • Temporary Workaround: Suppress the warning if immediate fixes aren’t feasible.
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