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Implementing Debounce Function in TypeScript

When creating a debounce function in TypeScript, it’s essential to handle type safety, particularly for the callback function's arguments and return type, as well as to ensure compatibility with both synchronous and asynchronous functions. Below is a simple, generic debounce implementation.

TypeScript Debounce Function

This debounce function takes a callback function and a wait time in milliseconds. It creates a timer that resets with each new call, only executing the callback function once no calls have been made for the duration of wait.

1 export function debounce<T extends unknown[], U>(
2 callback: (...args: T) => PromiseLike<U> | U,
3 wait: number
4 ) {
5 let timer: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout> | undefined;
7 return (...args: T): Promise<U> => {
8 if (timer) clearTimeout(timer);
10 return new Promise((resolve) => {
11 timer = setTimeout(() => resolve(callback(...args)), wait);
12 });
13 };
14 }

Explanation of the Code

Generics (T and U):

  • T is an array of argument types that callback can take.
  • U is the return type of callback, which can either be a direct value or a Promise (handled asynchronously).

Timer Management:

  • timer is a reference to the current timeout. Using ReturnType<typeof setTimeout> ensures compatibility with both Node.js and browser environments.
  • clearTimeout(timer) cancels any active timeout, preventing the callback from firing until the debounce period (wait) has passed without additional calls.

Asynchronous Callback Support:

  • The function supports asynchronous callbacks using await to handle any promises that callback may return, providing more flexibility.

Usage Example

Here’s how to use this debounce function to limit the frequency of a function that logs data to the console:

1 const logInput = debounce((input: string) => {
2 console.log(`User typed: ${input}`);
3 }, 300);
5 logInput("Hello"); // Only logs if no further calls are made within 300ms


  • Type Safety: Ensures that the arguments and return types are correctly typed for TypeScript.
  • Asynchronous Handling: Supports promises, making it adaptable for various use cases.

This implementation of debounce can help you efficiently handle performance-intensive operations by reducing the rate at which a function executes while maintaining TypeScript’s type safety and compatibility.

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