JavaScript Development Space

Sort Map by Value in JavaScript

Sorting a Map by its values in JavaScript can be a useful technique for organizing data more effectively. This guide will walk you through the process of sorting a Map by its values using straightforward code examples. Whether you’re working with numerical data or custom objects, you’ll learn how to leverage JavaScript’s features to achieve sorted results efficiently.

1 const searchTerms = new Map();
2 searchTerms.set(3, 'javascript');
3 searchTerms.set(1, 'python');
4 searchTerms.set(12, 'c++');
5 searchTerms.set(5, 'kotlin');
6 searchTerms.set(4, 'rust');
8 Array.from(searchTerms.entries())
9 .sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0])
10 .map(([number, term]) => {
11 console.log('number-term', number, term);
12 });
14 // Output:
15 //
16 // number-term 1 python
17 // number-term 3 javascript
18 // number-term 4 rust
19 // number-term 5 kotlin
20 // number-term 12 c++
JavaScript Development Space

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